A rainy day in paradise. Didn't stop this session. A baby is a blessing. And these two little girls couldn't be more excited. They made a wish. And. It came true. Baby Barrett we cannot wait to meet you.

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As a photographer, I have the honor of helping people capture some of the most important moments of their lives. These moments tell a story. And. Every story is different. On The Pipeline, you will find these moments, their stories, my images. All unique. And all special. Moments of significance and others, unscripted. Please join me on this journey. Watch me grow as an artist. Dream. Believe. Do. Repeat. Your story is yours and no one else's.
A rainy day in paradise. Didn't stop this session. A baby is a blessing. And these two little girls couldn't be more excited. They made a wish. And. It came true. Baby Barrett we cannot wait to meet you.